Sunday, May 11, 2008

What I have been up too

I finally got the (hopefully) last picture for my room and Im done decorating Its taken me awhile because I lost motivation to do it after awhile I got the giant boot picture I have above my bed at Hobby Lobby I think it fits my western theme perfectly and adds some color

When I was home, Ally and I decided to go mushroom hunting...alone This is what we found :)

My new hobby...hopefully I have only played a couple of times but Mary and I are planning on playing a bunch this summer
A peanut butter pie I made for a carry-in at work
My new cookbook Mary (roommate) was laughing at me the other night b/c I was using it as reading material before I went to sleep It looks to have a bunch of easy recipes that call for "normal" ingredients :)


Regi said...

Anytime you want to share the pie....

LJL said...

Great mushroom! I would love to play some tennis on vacation. Wonder if there would be a court we could get on. Of course, you have a lot of caddying to do for me on the golf course. Unless you can convince MW to do it for you.